"The ruling class is replacing democracy with a global technocracy" | Interview David Hughes

  • vrijdag 14 juni 2024
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  • Categorie:
  •  De Andere Krant


    "The ruling class is replacing democracy with a global technocracy" | Interview David Hughes

    Academic publications are very expensive. David's book costs more than 100 euros at Amazon. In order to make his book publicly accessible, David has made an arrangement with the publisher that allows him to receive no royalties. The book can be downloaded for free here: https://dhughes.substack.com/t/full-book David needs funding to complete Part 2 of his book. You can support him at: https://www.academia.edu/118269356/Su..., or https://buymeacoffee.com/dahughes, or by taking out a paid subscription to his Substack: https://dhughes.substack.com/ For Hughes' critique of Desmet's theory see: https://unlimitedhangout.com/2022/11/... and: https://constitution.solari.com/globa... Steun de onafhankelijke journalistiek: https://deanderekrant.nl/abonnement Meer nieuws, opinie en artikelen zijn te lezen via: https://deanderekrant.nl/nieuws Volg ons ook via: Instagram:   / deanderekrant   Facebook:   / deanderekrant   LinkedIn:   / deanderekrant   Twitter:   / anderekrant  

    De Andere Krant

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