235 Russian Ambassador, Alexander Shulgin about Ukraine. Interview Ab Gietelink

  • vrijdag 8 september 2023
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  •  Second interview with Alexander Shulgin,.ambassador to the Netherlands.


    On April 1, 2022, we had an exclusive interview in the Russian embassy with the Russian ambassador to the Netherlands, Mr. Alexander Shulgin. Time for an update interview. No misunderstanding of my position as interviewer. As a citizen and journalist, I opposed the Russian invasion in Ukraine, as I opposed all Western military inventions the last decades as well. But it is crucial to have a dialogue with Russia now and to listen to the arguments from the other side. It is about the future of the people of Ukraine, Russia and Europe for ourselves and our children. Will we continue this war with hundreds of thousands of deaths and after that another harsh and suspicious cold war or will we build a Europe of dialogue and trust? XXX Alternatief.TV is een platform waarin Ab Gietelink via interviews met interessante gasten en eigen columns kritische inzichten tegenover het dominante denken zichtbaar maakt Website: https://alternatief.tv Telegram: https://t.me/AlternatiefTV Donaties: https://alternatief.tv/donaties/ XXX Bestel mijn nieuwe boek TUNNELVISIES. Hoe realiseren we vrede in Oekraine? Uw donaties zijn cruciaal voor de voortgang van dit kanaal. Zie https://www.alternatief.TV. Hartelijk dank.

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