CJ HOPKINS ON THE 'COVIDIAN CULT': "I Hold A Mirror Up To These People, Look What You Are Doing"

  • maandag 13 december 2021
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  •  Welcome viewers and listeners to my third Bakkie met Bergsma podcast.


    Welcome viewers and listeners to my third Bakkie met Bergsma podcast.

    CJ Hopkins (Miami, 1961) is an American award-winning playwright, novelist, and political satirist (who says "they basically stole all my satire during the covid crisis"). He moved to Berlin in 2004, where he is currently living with his wife. And dealing with the everyday reality of restrictions and discrimination. He refuses to use the greenpass, and believes that if we all hang on this winter The Normal Totalitarians won't be able to implement the larger scale digital control system. We first met for an interview in 2017, in Berlin. When the issue was still and only Trump, Russia and the war on populisme. ‘The good old days.’ CJ is now largely known for his brilliant essays on The Covidian Cult (Part I, II en II). We talk about these essays in this podcast. You can find most of his work here https://consentfactory.org In this conversation we try to stay ahead of the plans, the roll-out (or as CJ Hopkins likes to call it: ‘the machine’) of the New Normal as best as we can. He believes in putting up a mirror and showing the cultists how they are behaving. He explains why that is important. Please enjoy our talk. Hope it isn't too apparant that I was just about to catch the (covid) flu while recording this, but I'm glad we talked anyway. Now I can go back to bed a little bit ;-) Please enjoy/thank you for listening. You can support my channel by subscribing and donating (see links below). ****************************** Dank voor jullie donaties via mijn site https://thefireonline.com/over-sietske/ of https://www.whydonate.nl/fundraising/... Alle gelden komen direct ten goede aan mijn werk als onafhankelijk mediamaker. Meld je ook aan voor de mailinglijst op mijn website zodat je niets hoeft te missen: * Blijf op de hoogte van een wekelijkse column en lees als eerste wanneer die online staat; * Blijf op de hoogte wanneer de eerste The Fire Online Podcast uitzending zal plaatsvinden; * Blijf als eerste op de hoogte van boeiende gastbijdragen en belangrijke artikelen die je in het MSM-nieuws niet zult vinden; * Blijf op de hoogte van andere content die alleen (volledig) via de mailinglijst zal worden verspreid; * Blijf op de hoogte van nog veel meer dat ik hier nog niet kan delen… Dank en tot bakkie.

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